Thought For The Week

Who Am I

It had been a good day for hiking and, as they ventured deeper into the pristine old growth forest, both men had enjoyed the re-kindled friendship and camaraderie that had weakened after college due to jobs, travel and family responsibilities. Now they once more reveled in that casual familiarity they once had. Perhaps it was because the conversation and light-hearted teasing was so refreshing that neither took notice of the gradually fading light until it was too Late. Suddenly, sunset overtook them and they lost all sense of direction in the dank, black curtain of the nighttime forest.

But what now to do? Broward, his accountant?s mind trained in precision and accuracy, favoured stopping where they were and setting up an improvised campsite. He reasoned that to venture into the vision swallowing dark would prove dangerous and foolhardy. “Better we stay still and wait for help to arrive. Surely, once the girls realize we are missing they will alert someone.” Quickly, in the rapidly diminishing dusk, he started gathering boughs and branches for a lean-to.

As a pilot, inaction in the face of unexpected circumstance was not what Martin could tolerate. “No, we must keep moving! We will stand a better chance if we just go along the pathway in whatever light we have left. Sooner or later it has to lead us to a road.” With that, Martin shouldered his pack and strode away. Within moments, he disappeared from Broward?s sight.

Hours later, it was the crunch of a branch being stepped upon that startled Broward into wakefulness, as he huddled, cold and hungry under the evergreen blanket he had fashion from some fallen branches. Fearing a marauding bear or cougar was afoot; he prayed God would protect him. Cautiously looking about, he saw a bright glint moving amongst the stately dark trunks of the trees. The eyes of some hungry animal? No! The beam from a powerful hand light.

“Over here,” bellowed Broward. Within moments, a uniformed park ranger
stumbled into his campsite. “Am I glad to see you! Were you searching for me?
My wife must have reported me missing. Has Martin been rescued also?”

“Are you Broward Mancini? Martin, was he wearing a grey sleeveless vest and ton cargo pants? Yes, we found him about an hour ago. No one told us you were missing, but we noticed a car unclaimed near the lodge and assumed someone was on the trail, lost. That is why we were searching. But we didn?t know there was more than one until we found your friend. I am sorry to have to tell you this, but Martin is dead. He fell over a small ridge in the dark and died."

In deep sadness, Broward went silent for a moment. Then curiosity overcame him. “If Martin was dead when you found him, how did you know to look for me?” The ranger paused a moment then continued, “We found your name on his pock and your wallet inside. Whether he had stolen it, or somehow there had been a mix-up, it seemed vital that we keep searching until we found you.”

In this world of spiritual darkness, ask yourself “Who am I?” Broward, planning for safety and trusting others to help him? Martin, self confident, impatient and certain he knows the way? The ranger, forgoing personal safety to find the nameless lost.


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