Thought For The Week

The Resurrection Is The Living

Many scholars say that one of the great proofs of the resurrection is the living, vital church of Jesus Christ. Where did it come from?

The disciples had the old testament, those 39 books that recounted the story of creation, but more so told the story of the fickleness of human nature, and the everlasting, forgiving love of God. The disciples also had spent 3 years, day by day, with the person of the very Son of God. They had seen the power of God through him, they had eaten the food, they had seen the miracles, but they still said, "Lord teach us to pray." And when he was crucified, "They all forsook him and fled" But before His death, Jesus had instructed the disciples how to act after his resurrection. These instructions are called the farewell discourses of Jesus in John's gospel.

One of the main teachings was about the coming of the Holy Spirit. He said, "If you love me and keep my commandments," (and the only commandments that he gave was to love one another,"I will ask the Father, and he will send you another comforter, and when he comes, he will show our right from wrong, will show you the mind of the Father, and He will glorify me." A good foundation but knowledge not exercised is not meaningful. However, before he was ascended the scripture tells us, that He berated on them and said, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit".

Now compare this with the parable of the wealthy man who before he left for a far country gave one disciple 5 talents, one 2 talents and another 1 talent. Who was the wealthy man? Jesus. And what did he give? - The holy Spirit. What is the church doing about the Holy Spirit while the Lord is away in heaven? Before he was taken back to heaven, he challenged his disciples, "Wait for the promise given by the father, and you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be witnessed unto me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and away to the uttermost parts of the world. And he was taken up into heaven, and the Holy Spirit came, and the word of God, the story of Jesus Christ spread all over the world, and the writer said, "These men who have turned the world up side down.

A good example of the power of the resurrection. A real proof that Christ had been raised from the dead. But what of the church today. Are we that same good proof of the resurrection. Revelations 3:13 says, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit hath to say to the churches."

Dear Dr. Fitch my pastor used to say, "write this in your bible," Spirit of God show me the mind of the Father as I read this book. We worship in the centre of a mission field. We must learn to see people through the eyes of Jesus as he died on the cross. What is our purpose in being the living body of Christ on Bowen Island?

By my reckoning there are at least 2700 people in the community who never enter the doors of a church, much less hear the good news that Jesus loves them. What should we do? Who and how should we speak to those people who we meet? First we must learn to recognize that Jesus is Lord of the church, then we must listen to the person of the Holy Spirit before we speak.


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