Thought For The Week

Zechariah - John the Baptist

Advent Week 4

We often neglect the story of the birth of John the Baptist. At Christmas time it is so easy to get caught up with the shepherds, the birth of Jesus, the manger, the wise men etc. But the story of the birth of John the Baptist is very important. First of all it gives us the clues we need to find the approx. date of the birth of Jesus. It also show us how God wants to care for Israel, and how He answered their prayer. But first of all, we have to look at the history that leads up to Luke 1.

I have called my thought for to-day Despair, Prayer and Praise. Despair because the land and the people of Israel were in a mess. God had promised them that the land would be theirs, He had promised every where your foot steps, it is yours. He had opened up the Red Sea, that was Moses, He had dried up the Jordan river and toppled the walls of Jericho - that was Joshua, he had conquered the philistines, that was David, there was the story of Sampson, and many others. But they were all dead. Was God dead as well? The had been overrun by the Syrians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Sanhedrin. Their most holy temple had b en desecrated when a heathen ruler had sacrificed a pig on the high altar. Where was God?

The people were in despair. God had not spoken for 400 years. But their was an old priest, of true lineage, whose name was Zechariah. He and his wife lived up in the hills, and came down to the temple at his appointed time to carry the incense into the Holy of Holies. Some would suggest that he might come down for his period of duty, and then not be chosen. But there was flaw in their home. Elizabeth, who was also elderly was childless. There was no son to carry on the name.

The people who attended the temple that day also had a problem. The Romans. So in the appointed way, Zechariah does his duty. Carrying in the incense to the altar, and in this way carrying in the peoples prayers to God. But suddenly, he is not alone, on the right side of the altar stands an angel. Zechariah is frightened. His opening words were - Do not be afraid, your prayers have been answered. You are going to have a son, and his name shall be John!! Naturally the old pries doubted, but God who knows our frame because he created us understood. This was normal, Gideon had questioned God, remember the fleece, and Gideon's words, "Just let me ask for a sign a second time. But for a sign for Zechariah the old man lost his speech. To be facsious, I am sure that Elizabeth was lost for words as well, when she found that she was going to have a child!! And so the long months followed, I am sure that Elizabeth wondered as well, since her husband could not chat with with her.

Can you imagine, when he told her that he had been talking to an angel. But the key was "your prayers have e been heard." I am presuming as well, that the people also had been praying as well, Lord deliver us from these Romans. And historic ally we know that God did deliver them, but it was going to take 300 years! But God does hear, and God does remember, and God love us. But quickly, look at the circumcision of John the Baptist. The baby has been born, and on the 8th day he is brought for circumcision. And the old father will not allow his to be called Zechariah, which was normal but takes a slate and writes on it, "His name is John." And his lips were opened and he rejoices, and says to the people what we now call the Magnificat. My heart doth glorify the Lord.

Read it, the words are wonderful Someday we will learn to sing it. But history repeats itself. Each of us get into despair. Kids, habits, negative things happen. But God loves us, and we pray. No flash of light, but God loves us, hears us, and one day we will rejoice at his answer.


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